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Raiders of The Lost Ark This shot of Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) getting ready to swap a bag of sand for a booby-trapped statue is normally used when a small statue or similarly shaped object is a part of the original. For anyone interested, here's what the front of the statue looks like. | |
Reflection - See Escher or Tea Kettle Reflection | |
![]() | Ric Romero Ric is an investigative reporter whose nose for news is legendary...sort of. He first hit Fark as a greenlit headline when he published a story about Internet blogging which Farkers lambasted without mercy. He now appears as a cliché usually when obvious or less than newsworthy information is presented in an urgent manner. Thanks to Yammering_Splat_Vector for the large image. |
Roach Guy This photo of a fellow staring at a Madagascar hissing cockroach was submitted as an 'O' for this contest. It's been used fairly regularly since, normally something else replaces the cockroach in his hand. | |
Robin This cute little chick was the 'O' for a Photoshop contest in Feb 2006. It rapidly assumed cliché status when Farkers began to inflict deadly violence upon it. It was zapped, squashed, blown up, covered with condoms, and subjected to all sorts of torture. It's ghost still haunts Photoshop contests, appearing at random intervals for no apparent reason. | |
Ross, Bob The late Bob Ross painted happy little trees on his television show "The Joy of Painting" for eleven years and lives on via video tape. Bob's image is sometimes used in tennis matches to recover otherwise hopeless train wrecks. | |
Ruby-Oswald Assassination This classic photo of Lee Harvey Oswald being gunned down by Jack Ruby has been transformed into numerous celebrities thru the use of head swapping. This photo is the full image, many 'shops use a cropped version. | |
Mt. Rushmore Fark Photoshoppers occasionally have the urge to replace our greatest Presidents with actors, rock stars, and other ne'er-do-wells. | |
Drunk Russian Girl - See Drunk CZECH Girl |