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Fart Girl - See Who Farted? Girl

Fat Asian Kid
Chubby-faced Shanghai gas station intern Qian Zhijun, also known as "Little Fatty" or "Xiao Pang," was attending a traffic safety class and someone snapped his picture. That was in 2003. The picture somehow made it to the Internet and made him something of a celebrity after folks started Photoshopping him. Quian's visage appears occasionally on Fark as well as numerous other websites.

Feiss, Ellen
This spaced-out teenager appeared in the Apple "Switch" ad campaign in 2002 and has been generally adopted by Farkers as a clich
é. Thanks to Flab and Greg Rebellion for the info.

Flying Bicycle - See Bicycle In The Moon

Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)
The Flying Spaghetti Monster was created by Bobby Henderson to protest a decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution in 2005.
It has since escaped to the Internet and makes occasional guest appearances on Fark.

Ford, Harrison - See Raiders of The Lost Ark

Frog - See Hanging Frog